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“Recovering from binge eating has no expiration date.” Justina Froese
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Binge eating, weight problems, no peace with food, and many similar issues have become part of our modern world. 

Many are caught in the pleasure trap without knowing it. It is hard to eat balanced and have peace with food without knowing the direction. 

After 15 years of binge eating, I live the complete opposite and help others do the same by implementing the Esteem Dynamics approach by Dr. Doug Lisle.


The most common mistakes in weight loss

Weight loss is one of the most difficult challenges in a person's life. It takes a lot of strength, time, and energy. And yet it is one of the biggest goals in a person's life. It is even among the top three annual resolutions of people in the Western world. But why is that? Do […]

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The Pleasure Trap – Everything in moderation. The myth of moderation

There are a few particular misconceptions about moderation with regard to dietary and lifestyle practices, such as the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, and drugs. Cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, chocolate, junk food, oil, sugar, and other magic pills are supernormal stimulants. These magic substances produce such a high release of dopamine that […]

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Why is eating healthy so difficult and what can you do about it?

The nutrition and fitness industry is booming, and yet each of us finds it difficult to eat healthy on a daily basis. And if you do manage it for a while, you feel like an outsider. But why is it so difficult to eat healthily and, above all, to stick to it permanently? Dr. Goldhamer […]

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What genes reveal about your weight - The solution to weight loss

You always hear that genes influence our weight. How exactly, you will learn here. "Fat people" are often labeled by "thin people" as undisciplined and having a lack of willpower. They supposedly eat too much, can't restrain themselves when eating, and this is where their obesity comes from. Overweight occurs in all age groups and […]

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Vegetable soup for weight loss

Do not worry, I would never recommend to anybody doing a soup diet. Nevertheless, a vegetable soup on the menu is weight loss friendly because it is filling and low in calories. This nutritional bomb before your main course ensures that the first hunger is satisfied. That's because a big part of satiety works through […]

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Burrito Bowl

Reis ist LEBEN! Denn Reis ist so vielseitig, sättigend und nicht umsonst das Grundnahrungsmittel Nummer eins in vielen Ländern. Am besten schmeckt gekochter Reis aus dem Instant Pot* oder einem Reiskocher. Persönlich bevorzuge ich den Instant Pot, weil sich mit diesem Gerät noch viele andere Sachen zubereiten lassen. Man spart Platz und hat gleichzeitig mehrere […]

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Veganes Caesar Dressing

Ein Dressing hat die Fähigkeit einen Salat in eine Geschmacksexplosion zu verwandeln oder in einen Heuhaufen. Neben dem klassischen Senf-Balsamico-Dressing ist das vegane Caeser Dressing eine willkommene Alternative. Das Rezept ist eine Abwandlung aus dem Buch How Not to Die: Entdecken Sie Nahrungsmittel, die Ihr Leben verlängern - und bewiesenermaßen Krankheiten vorbeugen und heilen.* Mit […]

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Chili sin Carne

Soja hat einen schlechten Ruf, aber zu Unrecht. Das Video “Hey Veganer, Soja ist ungesund!” ist sehr informativ, was die Fehlinformationen bezüglich Soja angeht. Unbedingt anschauen!!! Soja ist sehr nahrhaft und genauso eine Hülsenfrucht, wie Erbsen, Kidney Bohnen usw. und enthält sogar das komplette Aminosäuren-Profil. Im asiatischen Raum ist Soja unabdingbar. Dort wird es seit […]

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I know what you’re going through. I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been successfully free from binges for many years.
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