Binge eating has no emotional cause - The real reason and how to get rid of it

It becomes emotional. I know not only how THAT feels, but also what you can do to get rid of it.   What is binge eating? Binge eating is characterized by periodic stuffing oneself with large amounts of food, usually calorie-dense foods. Anyone who suspects that they suffer from binge eating will certainly have taken […]

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Addiction to supernomal stimuli

It sounds primitive, but our deepest instinct is to look for food and sex all day long. This happens subconsciously, of course, and is not an addiction. We have the desire to survive (food) and to reproduce (sex). In our ancestor's environment, without much interference, this worked well. It only becomes an addiction when disruptive […]

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The Pleasure Trap – Everything in moderation. The myth of moderation

There are a few particular misconceptions about moderation with regard to dietary and lifestyle practices, such as the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, and drugs. Cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, chocolate, junk food, oil, sugar, and other magic pills are supernormal stimulants. These magic substances produce such a high release of dopamine that […]

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