The truth about weight loss - What no one wants to tell you

Weight loss is the main goal of the Western population. In a study conducted in the U.S., if given the choice between getting their child through high school or personally losing weight, the majority chose weight loss. That's how urgent the desire is to lose weight is. The desire to lose weight is so great […]

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The most common mistakes in weight loss

Weight loss is one of the most difficult challenges in a person's life. It takes a lot of strength, time, and energy. And yet it is one of the biggest goals in a person's life. It is even among the top three annual resolutions of people in the Western world. But why is that? Do […]

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What genes reveal about your weight - The solution to weight loss

You always hear that genes influence our weight. How exactly, you will learn here. "Fat people" are often labeled by "thin people" as undisciplined and having a lack of willpower. They supposedly eat too much, can't restrain themselves when eating, and this is where their obesity comes from. Overweight occurs in all age groups and […]

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